EPIC: The Musical is a musical adaptation of Homer's The Odyssey created by Jorge Rivera-Herrans. The creation of the musical was documented through Jorge's TikTok, and the song clips and process videos have gone viral on social media with the process gaining over 60 million views across TikTok.
Jorge Rivera-Herrans first started working on the musical around June of 2019 while in college. For his senior thesis for college, he wanted to create a musical that was inspired by video games and anime to "emulate their addictive sense of progression". He was heavily inspired by these forms of media and makes reference to these influences throughout the musical.
On January 17th, 2021, he uploaded his first video on TikTok where he introduces the musical by singing an older draft of Full Speed Ahead. He soon released other excerpts of songs from the musical and began to garner an audience.